How To Keep Fresh Flowers Looking Good Longer

How To Keep Fresh Flowers

How To Keep Fresh Flowers

Fresh Longer

Fresh flowers are a beautiful addition to any home, but they can be a bit tricky to keep looking good. 

To make sure your flowers last as long as possible, here are some tips on how to keep fresh flowers looking good. 

How To Keep Fresh Flower Looking Good

Starts With The Flowers You Pick

1. Start with quality flowers. The fresher the flowers, the longer they will last. Look for flowers that are vibrant and have healthylooking stems. Avoid wilted or browning petals, as these can indicate that the flowers are not as fresh. Always be sure to look for stems that may have been excessively trimmed – a sure sign the flowers are past their prime. 

2. Cut the stems at an angle. Before arranging your flowers, cut the stems to the desired length. Make sure to use sharp scissors or a knife to ensure a clean cut. This will help the flowers to take in more water and stay fresh longer.

3. Prepare the water. Use lukewarm water and add a flower food to the vase. This will help to keep the water clean and provide nutrients for the flowers. 

4. Pick the right vase. Make sure the vase or container you use is clean and big enough to accommodate all the stems. You also want to make sure the vase is not too deepthe stem should be able to reach the bottom of the container. 

5. Arrange the flowers. When arranging the flowers, make sure to spread the stems evenly around the vase. This will help the flowers look more balanced and give them the best chance of staying fresh. 

How To Keep Fresh Flower Looking Good

Can Really Depend On How Often You Change The Water

6. Change the water. Change the water in the vase every two to three days. This will help to keep the water clean and provide more nutrients for the flowers. 

7. Re-trim the stems. Trim the stems every couple of days to keep them healthy and encourage new growth. 

8. Keep them cool. Place the flowers in a cool area to help them stay fresh for as long as possible. Avoid direct sunlight and other sources of heat, as this can speed up the wilting process. 

9. Remove wilting petals. As the flowers start to wilt, remove the petals to keep the arrangement looking fresh.

How To Keep Fresh Flower Looking Good

The Kind Of Water You Use Really Matters

Bonus: use filtered water in the vase to give your flowers the very best chance for a long and healthy life. A good rule is if you prefer to drink filtered water, so will your flowers.

Following these tips should help keep your fresh flowers looking good for as long as possible. Enjoy the beauty and fragrance of your fresh flowers for as long as you can!

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How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer
How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer
How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer
How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer
How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer

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