The 4 Best Ways To keep fresh cut flowers alive longer (in pictures)

how to keep fresh cut flowers alive longer

The 4 Best Ways How To Keep Fresh Cut Flowers Alive Longer

(In Pictures)

how to keep fresh cut flowers alive longer change the water
Change The Water At Least Every 2 Days

1. Change the water every two days. It’s always better to change the water too often than not enough. The bacteria that is allowed to grow, the healthier your flowers will be.  Pro tip:  use filtered instead of tap water. Many flowers are sensitive to the extra minerals in tap water and studies have shown cut flowers do best in filtered water.

how to keep fresh cut flowers alive change the water
Add sugar or flower food

 2. Add flower food or sugar to the water. Have you ever tried to go on a food fast and felt dizzy and tired from lack of food? That’s how your flowers feel without nutrients. Sugar will help but will also trigger bacteria problems that can kill your flowers faster. Professional flower food is your best bet. 

how to keep fresh cut flowers alive trim the flowers
Trim 1/2 to 1 inch from the bottom of the stems


3. Trim the stems of the flowers with a sharp knife or scissors at an angle under running water.  You don’t have to trim a lot, usually 1/2 to 1 inch will do. When you can see a clear, dry center in the stem, you know you have enough cut so the stems can easily take up water.  After trimming, immediately place the flowers in treated water (the longer they are out of the water, the better chance an air bubble will form in the stem – that can kill your flowers too).

how to keep fresh cut flowers alive avoid direct light
Avoid direct light, drafts or warm areas


4. Keep the flowers away from direct sunlight, drafts or excessive heat. Flowers will do best in a cool area (but no drafts). 

how to keep fresh cut flowers alive mist flowers
Misting flowers once a day also helps keep flowers hydrated


Bonus:  If you really want to go the extra mile, try misting the flowers twice a day. This provides an extra source of hydration directly to the petals and the flowers don’t have to work hard to bring it up from the vase!

fresher flowers

make cut flowers last longer

Ordinary Plant Food Or Internet Recipes Won't Do it

Use Flower Boosters for the win.

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Better than water alone, better than the free packets or internet folk recipes. Flower Boosters makes your cut flowers live their very best life!


How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer
How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer
How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer
How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer
How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer

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